

Our project aims to develop a visual heavy metal monitoring system using fruit flies, which can be applied for detecting heavy metal pollution in remote and underdeveloped areas. It involves fields such as zoology, synthetic biology, heavy metal pollution, and environmental protection engineering.

To increase public awareness of environmental protection and promote the application of our products, we have conducted multiple science popularization activities in various forms. We participated in technology exhibitions, visited schools and makerspaces to communicate face-to-face with people of different ages and from different industries. We went to the forest park to collect waste batteries and other trash. We designed and produced a brochure on environmental protection for students. We also conducted online promotions, including live broadcasts for publicity and self-media operations. Through these activities, we hoped to enable people to understand biosynthesis and heavy metal pollution and to spread sustainable development concept to every corner of the world.

The following is a description of our work.

1 Hangzhou Science and Technology Week: Interactive journey of biological exploration

On May 20, we participated in Zhejiang and Hangzhou Science and Technology Activity Week Exhibition together with the other seven teams e. g. Guangzhou MedX, Hangzhou BioX, Hangzhou SDG, Nanjing BioX, Nanjing SDG, Shanghai BioX and Shanghai MedX, where we set up a booth dedicated to the exploration of biology.

Our booth was divided into three engaging sections: brochure distribution, informative presentations, and hands-on activities. In the first section, visitors to our booth received meticulously designed brochures that provided an overview of our objectives and ignited their curiosity about biology. The second section featured informative presentations supported by pull-up banners. We prepared display boards highlighting key biological concepts, and our team members delivered comprehensive explanations. We also answered questions and facilitated interactive discussions, making the learning process more engaging. The highlight of our booth was the third section, where we had arranged a variety of games and activities. Visitors had the opportunity to draw cell structures, construct 3D models of DNA double helix structures, and observe cells under microscopes. To add an element of excitement, we offered small prizes as incentives for participation. These activities not only made learning fun but also encouraged visitors to delve deeper into the captivating world of biology.

Our booth attracted many people who were eager to unleash their creativity, build DNA models, explore cells, and potentially win a prize! Through these activities, visitors were able to gain a profound understanding of fundamental biological concepts and practical skills. Our booth served as an enlightening and enjoyable experience for both students with an interest in biology and general enthusiasts.

2 Collaborative online outreach: Spreading synthetic biology awareness across cities

Our team collaborated with teams of Guangzhou MedX, Hangzhou BioX, Hangzhou SDG, Nanjing BioX, Nanjing SDG, Shanghai BioX and Shanghai MedX teams to hold a live co-publicizing session through our WeChat video account on July 15th after several weeks of preparation together.

During this live co-publicizing session, we introduced the concept of synthetic biology to the public, and each team presented their own projects to further interest the audience. This event helped spread awareness about our project to the public and garnered more attention toward global issues such as environmental protection. Finally, the Q&A session at the end allowed the audience to ask questions directly to members of each group, bringing the relationship between the public and our team closer.

3 “Mars Laboratory” information session: Engaging experiments with fruit flies

A public outreach event was held at Mars Cell Labs (MCL) on August 3rd by our teams of Shanghai-SDG, Shanghai-BioX and Shanghai-MedX.

We prepared a presentation on the topic of fruit flies and heavy metal pollution. Our aim was to introduce the concept of heavy metal pollution and demonstrate how fruit flies could be used as indicators of such pollution. We hoped that attendees would gain an understanding of why we had initiated this project: to develop a simpler and more cost-effective method for detecting heavy metals in households.

To enhance awareness, we provided fruit flies exposed to various levels of pollution for attendees to observe under a magnifying glass. This hands-on experience was designed to foster a deeper understanding of the impact of heavy metal pollution. Additionally, we organized an engaging activity to demonstrate the attraction of fruit flies to sugar and methods for their eradication. This interactive segment not only allowed us to connect with our audience but also drew attention to the broader issue of heavy metal pollution.

4 The public welfare initiative in national forest park: Promoting sustainable practices of waste sorting

Following our informative presentation at the Mars Laboratory, our team, in collaboration with Shanghai-BioX, embarked on a mission to Sheshan National Forest Park in Shanghai on August 6. Our goal was to promote waste sorting as a public welfare initiative.

We began by educating the public about the environmental hazards posed by heavy metals and plastic pollution. We emphasized the importance of understanding these threats to our environment. Next, we took a hands-on approach. We scoured the park for littered items such as batteries and plastic bags. These items were then sorted correctly into trash bins, demonstrating the practical application of waste sorting.

This activity not only helped us reach out to more citizens and raise awareness about our project but also provided us with valuable insights. We realized how our products can positively impact ordinary people’s lives and contribute towards achieving sustainable development goals.

5 Illustrated brochure collaboration: Enlightening the public on sustainable development goal

To publicize our project and related biological background information, our team, cooperating with the other two iGEM teams: Nanjing-SDG and Hangzhou-SDG, made a picture brochure about environmental protection and sustainable development.

After having the idea, the three teams held meetings weekly to discuss the writings and drawings. We established a group to draw pictures that represented the contents; all the delicate decorations and pictures in the brochure were created by the group members. We combined the drawings and contents and then printed them out in the size of a handbook.

Later in the promotion activities on campus in Chongqing, Guangzhou, Hefei, Nanjing and Shenzheng, we handed out printed copies to every student who attended the activities. With a concise introduction and creative artwork, people of all ages can have an understanding of the importance of our project and how it relates to the problems nowadays.

Here, you could read our brochure:

Figure 6 Students reading our manuals in various cities

6 Campus outreach at secondary school: Educating students about iGEM and heavy metal pollution

On September 6, in Chongqing Yucai Secondary School, we had given a presentation to the juniors about the iGEM competition and our project.

We first explained the specific rules of the iGEM competition, job allocation, and schedule. Then, we introduced our own project, including the current situation of heavy metal pollution, existing monitoring methods, the principle of genetic testing on fruit flies, and how to apply it in the future. Next, we also displayed the manual of synthetic biology co-produced with other teams to help everyone understand our content. Finally, we explained the importance of heavy metal waste classification and called on everyone to implement the prevention of heavy metal pollution in their lives.

After the presentation ended, the students were very enthusiastic about our project, continuously asked us questions, and expressed their support for our project.

Our team member Yicheng lectured on the project we worked on in the science assembly at his high school. Gene editing technology such as CRISPR-cas9, synthetic biology, polymer chemistry, and other parts involved in our project has been introduced to a wide community interested in scientific research and inspired peers to learn about the application of biology. The whole idea and procedure that our project builds on can connect many of the areas of study the peers and teachers are into.

Figure 7 Introducing iGEM to juniors (in different classes)

Figure 8 Juniors were reading our manuals of synthetic biology

7 Our social media account: Taking environmental advocacy online

In an effort to raise public awareness about the severity of heavy metal pollution and the importance of environmental protection, we established social media accounts to disseminate information about our project widely.

In June, we created accounts on Zhihu, Bilibili, and WeChat under the name “Little Fruit Fly Metal Detection”. We published several articles on these platforms, aimed at educating the public about the current state of heavy metal pollution, existing monitoring methods, and the use of biomonitoring technology for pollution detection. In addition to these educational posts, we regularly updated our followers about our latest activities. This included an online public outreach event on July 15 and a joint presentation with Mars Labs on August 6.

These posts and videos garnered a significant number of views across various platforms, allowing the public to stay informed about our project’s progress and lend their support. Our social media initiative has been instrumental in not only promoting our project but also in highlighting the broader issue of environmental protection.